本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)を紹介します。博物館で歴史を学ぶことについてです。
1 サンプルエッセイ
Some people think that children can learn about history by visiting museums, while others feel that there are better ways to learn about history.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You should write at least 250 words.
The best way of learning history continues to be a controversial topic. Some aver that museums are inspirational by providing a panoply of objects for viewers while others maintain that books and movies can be better materials as they contain detailed descriptions of historical contexts and human interactions. From my perspective, I espouse the latter as learning history from multiple perspectives is more beneficial.
To begin with, museums play a significant role in educating history to youngsters by providing opportunities of seeing or even touching historical objects. This experience nudges children to imagine what the world was like when the historical items were used. To give you an example, a finely-honed glinting sword can easily hold the attention of children. Having marveled at it for a while, they are likely to imagine who the owner of this sword was, and in which battles it exercised its incomparable sharpness and sturdiness. This then encourages the young learners to peruse its caption and familiarize themselves with it.
On the other hand, others maintain that historical books and movies are more inspirational and provide detailed stories about human chronicles. This is because authors and film directors meticulously combine disparate aspects of the period, such as history, culture and politics, into a single story. This allows readers and viewers to experience past periods vicariously. They discover the habits of citizens, culture, social hierarchies, and politics in an appealing way. This is ideal for children to learn history as they can learn the big picture of the era. Additionally, being able to empathize with the main characters, they can also grasp what people back then felt in their daily lives. Overall, books and movies are considered to be the comprehensive materials on history.
To summarize, although museums have an advantage in providing specific, physical knowledge about items displayed there, I believe books and movies are more preferable for historical education as children can learn history from multiple perspectives.
( 323 words )
2 エッセイの構成について
→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。Discuss both views and give your opinionの設問のため、博物館で歴史を学ぶことと、他の方法で歴史を学ぶことの両者を述べたうえで、自分の意見を主張していきます。
・Body Paragraph ①
→ main idea : museums play a significant role in educating history to youngsters by providing opportunities of seeing or even touching historical objects – 博物館は子供たちに、直接展示物を見たり、触ったりする機会を提供する役割を果たしていると主張。Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
・Body Paragraph ②
→ main idea : historical books and movies are more inspirational and provide detailed stories about human chronicles – 歴史関連の本や映画は人類の歴史に関する詳細な物語を提供し、人々の心を動かすと主張。Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。
3 単語・文法・構文の解説
・Synonyms (類義語)
A written record of historical records と同義。意味は「歴史上の出来事」
A panoply of
A collection of ( different things ) と同義。意味は「様々な」
Marvel at
Show great surprise と同義。意味は「驚く」
Read through something と同義。意味は「読む」
Different in every way と同義。意味は「異なる」
・Key words in this topic
Play a significant role in -ing
A caption
The big picture of A
A の全体像
From multiple perspectives
・Other useful expressions in IELTS Writing TASK2
A continues to be a controversial topic
A は物議を醸す話題であり続けている。
From my perspective, / In my opinion,
Firmly express one’s opinion と同義。意味は「強く主張する」
Say something is certainly trueと同義。意味は「―は正しいと強く主張する」
To begin with,
Firstly と同義
I espouse the former ( or the latter )
私は前者(後者)を支持する。Espouse はSupportのFormalな表現。
Cause の類義語。意味は「―を引き起こす」
Having said that
However と同義。意味は「一方で」
On top of that
In addition と同義。意味は「さらに」
To summarize,
本記事ではIELTS TASK2 のサンプルエッセイ(解答例) を紹介しましたが、皆様の学習にお役に立ちましたら嬉しく思います。また、コメントを頂けましたら、解説を増やすこともできますので、お気軽にコメント下さい。
