【IELTSライティング7.0取得者作成】頻出テーマ別語彙&使えるフレーズ – Food






Healthy diet – 健康的な食生活

Nowadays, as the debates surrounding the definition of healthy eating continue to intensify globally, many of the contemporary developed societies struggle with the widespread problem of obesity, which is particularly evident from the example of the United States. Obesity is linked by experts to the prevalence of passive lifestyles among the American population paired with people’s unhealthy eating habits, as they rely more and more on processed foods and takeout options in their daily food consumption. Moreover, food corporations use aggressive marketing campaigns to glamorize unhealthy eating and conceal the potential health problems linked to the consumption of processed foods.


At the same time, the global eating culture offers a broad variety of diets considered to be healthy, as the demand for a healthy lifestyle also becomes increasingly high. Today, we live in a world where celebrities actively promote healthy habits, including exercise and clean eating, consistently demonstrating the results of their efforts by showing their fit bodies on social media. Some of the most popular diets include paleo, ketogenic, vegan and vegetarian, low-fat, and raw diets. However, despite the abundance of the existing diets today, health experts express concerns regarding the underlying issues linked to the eating habits promoted by the followers of these diets. Specifically, thoughtless following of certain diets can result in hormonal disbalance and unexpected changes in the body composition, potentially leading to grave health consequences. Therefore, while one should make sure to take care of one’s health and eat a balanced diet, it is important to avoid excessive limitations in food consumption and consult with professionals before starting a new diet.

【使えるフレーズ /コロケーション】

The debates surrounding — continue to intensify :  —に関する議論が強まり続けている

Developed societies : 先進諸国

Widespread problems of : 広く普及した問題

Obesity :肥満

Particularly evident from the example of —  : —の例から特に明白だ

Prevalence : 普及

Passive lifestyles : 消極的なライフスタイル。自分の夢,目標, 願望から目を背けた生活。

Paired with — : —-と組み合わさって

Processed foods : 加工食品

Takeout options : テイクアウトをする選択肢

Daily food consumption : 日々の食事、食べ物の消費

Food corporations : 食品会社

Aggressive marketing : 強引なマーケティング。(ネットのポップアップ広告など。)

Glamorize : 美化する

Conceal the potential health problems: 潜在的な健康被害を隠す


Eating culture: 食文化

A broad variety of diets: 幅広い食生活

A healthy lifestyle: 健康的なライフスタイル

Increasingly high : ますます高まっている

Actively promote : 積極的に広める

Healthy habits : 健康的な習慣

Clean eating : クリーン・イーティング。(健康にいいものだけを食べる)

Paleo diet : パレオ・ダイエット。Palaeolithic は旧石器時代の意味、狩猟採集型の食生活を取り入れた食事法のこと。

Ketogenic diet : ケトジェニック・ダイエット( 低糖質ダイエット )

Vegan and vegetarian diet : ヴィーガン・ベジタリアン

Low-fat diet : ローファット・ダイエット

Raw diet : 生食。加工されていない生の食品を食べることで、多くの酵素を摂取。

Demonstrate the result of one’s effort : 努力の成果を示す

Fit body : 引き締まった体

Express concerns regarding – : -に関する懸念を表明する

Underlying issues : 根底にある問題

Thoughtless following : 安易に乗っかってしまうこと

Result in –: –といった結果を招く。

Hormonal disbalance : ホルモンバランスの乱れ

Body composition : 体組成 ( 人体の脂肪、骨、水、筋肉の割合)

Grave health consequences : 深刻な健康被害

Excessive limitations in food consumption : 過度な食事制限

Consult with professionals : 職業専門家に相談する


Traditional VS Modern foods

In times of accelerating globalization, the importance of preserving long-going food traditions remains a matter of utmost importance for many cultural groups. Globalization has had a major impact on food consumption habits across the world. By transcending borders, globalization has contributed to intense cultural exchange between the world’s nations, which significantly affected global food habits as well. Therefore, in today’s increasingly globalized world, individuals get to experience foods from a variety of cultures. Further, the global food culture gives rise to the spread of fast-food chains around the world, as McDonald’s and Starbucks locations can be found in almost any country. However, all these processes contribute to the slow decline of traditional food which, for many, has strong cultural significance and is considered to be a point of identity.


For example, the cultural importance of traditional food in Japan today cannot be underestimated. Some of the traditional Japanese dishes have been awarded world heritage status. Historically, the process of food preparation in Japan was centered around family rituals and respect for nature, which was disrupted by the introduction of the fast-food chains and the decline of traditional food culture. However, some of the contemporary chefs working in Japan have expressed commitment to promoting traditional Japanese cuisine at their restaurants. Several of the Michelin-star locations in the largest Japanese cities have set out to give the traditional dishes a modern twist to renew the public’s excitement surrounding classical Japanese cuisine. This way, the contemporary chefs in Japan aim to discover a fine balance between tradition and modernity in their cuisine.

【使えるフレーズ /コロケーション】

Long-going :  long going vs long-term, long standing

A matter of utmost importance : 最も重要なこと

Transcend borders : 国境を超える

Increasingly globalized world : ますますグローバル化が進んだ世界

Get to experience — : —を経験するようになる

Give rise to —: —を引き起こす

Fast-food chains: ファーストフードのチェーン店

Slow decline : 緩やかな減少

Strong cultural significance :

Cannot be underestimated : 過小評価することは出来ない

Centered around — : —の中心に位置する

Family rituals : 家族儀式

Disrupted by — : — によって途絶えさせられる

Contemporary vs Modern

Express commitment to —: —に対するコミットメントを表明する

Michelin-star locations : ミシェラン認定地

Set out — : —をし始める

Give a modern twist : 現代に合せた変化を加える

Public’s excitement : 人々の興奮

A fine balance : 絶妙なバランス


Fast food

The emergence of fast food has revolutionized the food industry all around the world. Initially, fast food appeared as a successful business idea aiming to serve as many customers as possible in the shortest amount of time to maximize the profits of fast-food restaurant owners. The idea found resonance among low-wage workers who could not pay a lot for their meals, as well as did not have much time for lunch during their shifts. Therefore, fast food chains provided perfect business schemes by targeting large groups of working-class consumers. Today, the fast-food industry grows larger every year as the lifestyles of people around the world become more fast-paced.


Despite the evident benefits of fast food, including its affordability and accessibility, nutritionists and dieticians continue to emphasize the harmful effects of fast food consumption on human health. Fast food is known to contain ingredients that can be detrimental to one’s health, including high amounts of sugar and salt, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates. Frequent consumption of fast food, according to experts, can result in cardiovascular conditions, type 2 diabetes, digestive issues, and even cancer. Furthermore, governments across the world make greater efforts to monitor the public’s consumption of fast food by raising awareness of health risks and conducting frequent industry checks to ensure safety regulations are in place.


【使えるフレーズ /コロケーション】

The emergence of — : —の出現

Revolutionize the industry: 業界に革命をもたらす

In the shortest amount of time : ごくわずかな時間で

Maximize the profits : 利益を最大化する

Find resonance among — : —の間で共感を得る

Low-wage workers : 低賃金労働者

During one’s shift : シフト中に

Working-class consumers : 労働階級の消費者

Fast-paced : 早いペースで、 in a Faced-paced environment 変化の早い環境下で

Evident benefits : 明らかなメリット

Affordability : 手頃さ

Nutritionists : 栄養士

Dieticians : 食事療法士

Emphasize the harmful effects on — : —への有害な影響を強調する

Saturated fats : 飽和脂肪

Refined carbohydrates :精製された炭水化物

Cardiovascular conditions : 心血管疾患

Type 2 diabetes : 2型糖尿病

Digestive issues :  消化器系の問題

Cancer : ガン

Make greater effort : より一層努力をする

Raise awareness of — : —についての認識を高める

Ensure safety regulations are in place : 安全規則が遵守されていることを確認する



  • Healthy diet
  • Traditional VS Modern foods
  • Fast food



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