本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)を紹介します。トピックはダイエットについてです。
Some believe that the best way to stay fit is to join a gym or health club while others think doing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs is enough. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
You should write at least 250 words.
It is my opinion that individuals should subscribe to a gym or other types of health clubs instead of counting on daily activities for losing weight. This essay presents arguments on both sides, but leans in favor of my initial statement.
Looking first at the case supporting health clubs; many people point out that advice from experts is essential to dramatically improving their fitness. When individuals become overweight, it can be difficult to identify the root cause by themselves. However, experts can easily find out via an interview or questionnaire, and provide tailored suggestions, such as changing one’s diet or increasing one’s muscle mass. Indeed, it is common that some gym-subscribers achieve targeted weight-loss within a month or so and regret counting on their own methods, which did not make any difference in spite of sacrifices.
Turning to the other side of the argument; those who keep in shape by everyday activities maintain that changing one’s habit is the key to generating great outcomes in the long run. They are well aware that even though a daily effort makes only an imperceptible difference, it amounts to a striking difference over time. Additionally, daily physical activities have an advantage in being integrated into one’s lifestyle. This is because they do not take much time, and the effort required is not noticeable, while going to a gym and lifting weights are not only time consuming but also requires a concentrated effort over a short period of time. To illustrate this, the latest survey in Japan discovered that seniors who walk more than two hours a day keep their shape better than seniors who spend their time indoors.
To summarize, the choice is fundamentally between counting on professional advice or one’s own daily habits. In my opinion, professional advice can be a game changer for those who are suffering from obesity. Thus, I prefer subscribing to a gym or health club.
( 314 words )
→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。Discuss both views and give your own opinionと問われているため、学生のカリキュラムに実務的な科目を導入するべきという考えにどの程度賛成するか、自分の意見を主張します。
・Body Paragraph ①
→ main idea : ; many people point out that advice from experts is essential to dramatically improving their fitnessと主張。
その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
・Body Paragraph ②
→ main idea those who keep in shape by everyday activities maintain that changing one’s habit is the key to generating great outcomes in the long run.と主張。
その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。
・Synonyms (類義語)
Fitness: 身体の健康 (being physically strong and healthy)
・Key words
Daily activities: 日常の活動 ( ウォーキングや階段の上り下りなど)
Dramatically : 劇的に
Become overweight : 太る
Identify the root cause : 根本的な原因を識別する
Via an interview or questionnaire : 面談やアンケートを通じて
Change one’s diet : 食生活を変える
Increase one’s muscle mass : 筋肉量を増やす
A daily effort : 日々の努力
an imperceptible difference: 知覚出来ない程度の小さな変化
a striking difference : 劇的な変化
time consuming: 時間がかかる
spend one’s time indoors : 室内で時間を過ごす
daily habits: 日常の習慣
a game changer : ゲームチェンジャー ( 状況を劇的に変えるもの )
・Other useful expressions in IELTS Writing TASK2
Contrastingly, : 一方で、
From my perspective, / In my opinion, :私の考えでは、
Maintain : Firmly express one’s opinion と同義。意味は「強く主張する」
Aver : Say something is certainly trueと同義。意味は「―は正しいと強く主張する」
I espouse the former ( or the latter ) : 私は前者(後者)を支持する。Espouse はSupportのFormalな表現。
Having said that : However と同義。意味は「一方で」
On top of that : In addition と同義。意味は「さらに」
Under such circumstances, :こういった状況下では、
本記事ではIELTS ライティング タスク2 のサンプルエッセイ(解答例) を紹介しましたが、皆様の学習にお役に立ちましたら嬉しく思います。また、コメントを頂けましたら、解説を増やすこともできますので、お気軽にコメント下さい。
