本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)を紹介します。トピックは機会が人間の仕事を代替することについてです。
1 サンプルエッセイ
Machines are taking over more and more jobs previously done by humans.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.
You should write at least 250 words.
The advancement of technology continues to be a controversial topic. Some maintain that both individuals and business enterprises are benefiting from this societal shift. Contrastingly, others are apprehensive that employees will lose their jobs and disparity will increase. From my perspective, I espouse the latter view considering the severe financial predicaments of many households, and the usage of AI must be regulated.
To begin with, modern people must appreciate cutting-edge machines as they can deal with laborious tasks on behalf of human employees. A myriad of companies require copious amounts of inhumane tasks for mass production or repetitive administrative transactions. To give you an example, the sole role of some workers in a motor manufacturing factory is to inspect motors to confirm there are no blemishes on the final products. These monotonous tasks must be undertaken by machines so that human employees can work on more creative and fulfilling roles. Moreover, introducing machines has an edge in curbing wages. This is due to the lower running costs of machines compared to human wages, and their ability to work without breaks. In these aspects, technology is shaping industries into more desirable structures.
On the other hand, AI-oriented societies are precipitating immense backlash among those who are apprehensive about losing their jobs. They associate Al as their competitor and demonstrate their antipathy to employers. Furthermore, disparity between the wealthy and the impecunious is apt to be increased because AI generates profits for employers and investors while depriving job seekers of occupational opportunities. To illustrate this, thanks to Al, investors would be elated to see decreasing wages on financial statements. However, on the flip side, redundant employees could face financial predicaments. Therefore, without suitable regulations, AI would be a threat to middle-class citizens.
To summarize, advanced technologies, namely AI, can be useful in assisting monotonous labor and curbing wages. Having said that, they could deprive job opportunities and accelerate the increasing disparity between the wealthy and the poor. Hence, in my view, these machines must be limited to specific industries to protect employment and eschew further financial inequality.
2 エッセイの構成について
→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinionと機会が人間の仕事を代替することのメリット・デメリットを2つ以上(advantage”s”/disadvantage”s”) 述べたうえで、最終的な自分の意見を示していきます。
・Body Paragraph ①
→ main idea 1 : modern people must appreciate cutting-edge machines as they can deal with laborious tasks on behalf of human employees – 最新の機械は人間の代わりに骨の折れる仕事を代替してくれる。
→ main idea 2 : introducing machines has an edge in curbing wages – 機械を導入することで、人件費を抑えることが出来る。
Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
・Body Paragraph ②
→ main idea 1 : AI-oriented societies are precipitating immense backlash among those who are apprehensive about losing their jobs – AI頼りの社会は、仕事を失うことを恐れている人々に、強い嫌悪感を抱かせる。
→ main idea 2 : disparity between the wealthy and the impecunious is apt to be increased – お金持ちと貧乏人の間の格差を広がる。
Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。
3 単語・文法・構文の解説
・Synonyms (類義語)
Worry の類義語。意味は「懸念する」
An unpleasant and difficult situation と同義。意味は「苦境」
Needing a lot of time and effortと同義。意味は「骨の折れる」
Copious amounts of
Large amounts of と同義。意味は「たくさんの」
Monotonous tasks
Simple and repetitive tasksの同義。意味は「単純作業」
・Key words in this topic
Redundant employees
Middle-class citizens
Disparity / Financial inequality
・Other useful expressions in IELTS Writing TASK2
A continues to be a controversial topic
A は物議を醸す話題であり続けている。
From my perspective, / In my opinion,
Firmly express one’s opinion と同義。意味は「強く主張する」
Say something is certainly trueと同義。意味は「―は正しいと強く主張する」
To begin with,
Firstly と同義
I espouse the former ( or the latter )
私は前者(後者)を支持する。Espouse はSupportのFormalな表現。
Cause の類義語。意味は「―を引き起こす」
Having said that
However と同義。意味は「一方で」
To summarize,
本記事ではIELTS TASK2 のサンプルエッセイを紹介しましたが、皆様の学習にお役に立ちましたら嬉しく思います。また、コメントを頂けましたら、解説を増やすこともできますので、お気軽にコメント下さい。
