本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)と教育・学校関連のトピックで使える表現集を紹介します。トピックは学校のカリキュラムについてです。
IELTS のライティングセクションで7.0を目指している方は、下記に勉強法や私が7.0を取得する直前に書いたエッセイがまとめてあります!
【IELTSライティング7.0取得者が語る】タスク2 英文エッセイの勉強法
【IELTS ライティングで使える表現・フレーズ】
From Preschool to elementary school
It is up to each household when their children initiate school education. Some prefer pre-school to encourage social, emotional, and physical development of their toddlers prior to Kindergarten. Then, children will enter primary/elementary school. The majority of Japanese children go to public primary school, where they can interact with their friends from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. Indeed, a large number of parents believe that exposure to diversity is essential in the development of their offspring’s personality.
Pre-school: 保育園
Kindergarten: 幼稚園
Primary school / Elementary school : 小学校
Socio-economic backgrounds : 社会経済的な背景
Exposure to diversity : 多様性に直面すること
Offspring : 子供 、子孫
From elementary school to high school
When they reach 4th grade, some education-conscious parents encourage their children to study harder to enter private combined junior and senior high schools. These schools provide a meticulous six-years long academic curriculum to prepare for the extreme competition of entering prestigious universities. On the other hand, those who enter public secondary school are free from academic pressure and enjoy relaxing elementary school lives. However, once they enter public secondary school, they tend to study hard in their 3rd grade to pass the entrance exams of their desirable high schools.
Education-conscious parents : 教育熱心な親
Combined junior and senior high school: 中高一貫校
Academic curriculum: アカデミックカリキュラム ( 学校の座学授業のカリキュラム)
Prestigious university: 有名で権威のある大学
Free from academic pressure : 学業面でのプレッシャーがない
An entrance exam: 入学試験
In parallel with A : A の変化に伴って
School curriculums
School curriculums have been continuously modified in parallel with the change of society. Indeed, some parents and educators prefer flexible curriculums to traditional curriculums. They believe there are some limitations to traditional curriculums in terms of developing personality and encouraging children to horn their strengths. Interestingly, some online high schools provide practical courses and are gaining popularity in Japan. Their courses encompass programming, stock investment, video editing, etc.
Flexible curriculum: フレキシブルカリキュラム (生徒が自分の意志で授業を選択できるカリキュラム )
Traditional curriculum: 伝統的なカリキュラム
Limitations to A: A には限界がある
Horn one’s strength: 強みを磨く
Gain popularity: 人気を得る
共学 VS 男女別学
Separate schools versus mixed schools
Opinions are divided regarding the benefits of a separate school. Single gender education has an advantage in providing a tailored curriculum for each gender. For instance, at all-girls elementary schools, teachers can choose reading materials that suit girls’ interest and their literacy levels. In childhood, it is usual that girls develop literacy faster and can engage in more challenging books than their male counterparts. Contrastingly, educators in a mixed school advocate that the co-educational system benefits children in developing social interaction skills with different genders.
A separate school / a single gender school : 男女別学
all-girls school, all-boys school : 女子高、男子校
A mixed school / a co-educational school : 共学
literacy levels: 読み書きの習熟度
engage in A : A に取り組
Tertiary education: 短大と大学での教育
Tertiary Education
Tertiary education is optional for adolescents. A recent survey reported that the narrow majority of Japanese high school students go to college or university. Many university students feel tertiary education is more stimulating, because a wide range of courses are provided by their faculties. At the same time, they face challenges in writing an essay, doing research, and preparing a report. After submitting assignments, they may feel nervous until their professors grade their assignments and give them feedback. This also happens at the term-end when their exam-scores are disclosed.
The narrow majority of : ぎりぎり過半数を超える
A wide range of : 様々な種類の
Submit an assignment: 課題を提出する
Grade an assignment: 課題を採点する
Give a person feedback : フィードバックを行う
Term-end: 期末
Diploma & scholarship systems
Having gone through continuous challenges in tertiary education, students obtain a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate (Ph.D). Diploma is given to those who have graduated from college. On the other hand, a group of students may end up withdrawing from (or dropping from ) their courses due to unexpected circumstances. One of the primary reasons is a lack of financial capabilities. To tackle this issue, universities provide various scholarships and student loans programs. Most scholarships and are given to candidates based on academic achievements, and do not require repayment. Student loans may look like easier option to manage tuition fees. However, students must be aware that they will be hugely indebted upon graduation.
Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctorate or PH.D. : 学士、修士、博士
Withdraw / drop from a course : コースを辞める。(drop from の方がカジュアルな表現)
Due to unexpected circumstances : 予測不能な状況
One of the primary reasons : 主要な理由のうちの一つは
Financial capabilities : 財政力
Scholarships / student loans : 奨学金 ( scholarshipは主に返済不要の給付型。Student loansは返済義務あり)
Academic achievements : 学業成績、研究成果
Manage tuition fees: 学費を賄う
Many feel that students today should learn practical skills at school such as car maintenance and managing a bank account. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You should write at least 250 words.
An increasing number of people advocate that educational focus at school should be shifted to practical subjects instead of traditional ones. I completely agree with this idea as the benefit of traditional curriculums are becoming less enticing, while developing financial literacy could be useful to many individuals.
(Body Paragraph 1 )
Achieving higher academic grades at schools is becoming less beneficial. A couple of decades ago, it was considered a common way to secure stable employment. This is because large corporations preferred to hire job-seekers with an excellent educational history. However, current society has been transforming at a dramatic rate due to advanced technology, and it has become easier to be self-employed, while large corporations have found it difficult to adapt to this industrial shift. For example, a number of YouTubers who may not have studied hard at school are making fortunes. At the same time, it is often the case that Japanese traditional corporations are calling for early retirement with many of their services and products replaced by new technology.
(Body Paragraph 2 )
Among many practical skills, developing financial skills can significantly improve the quality of one’s life. As the financial budgets of the majority of people are limited, they need to make meticulous plans to manage to pay a wide range of invoices upon life events, such as marriage, parenting, and caring for the elderly. Sometimes, this planning can be more important than one’s salary. Indeed, the latest survey in Japan discovered that those who earn more than 100,000 dollars are more likely to go bankrupt compared to those who earn between 80,000 and 100,000 dollars. The primary reason for this phenomenon was that those who earn more than 100,000 dollars overestimate their salaries that are not guaranteed forever, and risk huge mortgages.
To summarize, I believe incorporating practical subjects into school curriculums is desirable in terms of adapting to changing circumstances and the necessity of sufficient financial literacy.
( 314 words )
→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。To what extent do you agree or disagree?と問われているため、学生のカリキュラムに実務的な科目を導入するべきという考えにどの程度賛成するか、自分の意見を主張します。
・Body Paragraph ①
→ main idea : Achieving higher academic grades at schools is becoming less beneficial.と主張。
その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
・Body Paragraph ②
→ main idea : Among many practical skills, developing financial skills can significantly improve the quality of one’s life.と主張。
その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。
・Synonyms (類義語)
Enticing:魅力的な ( attractive )
Incorporate : 取り入れる ( include )
・Key words
Practical subjects : 実務的な科目
Financial literacy : ファイナンシャルリテラシー
Achieve higher academic grades : 優秀な学業成績を修める
Secure stable employment : 安定的な雇用を確保する
Be self-employed : 自営業をする
Industrial shift : 産業の変化
Make a fortune : 財産を築く
Call for early retirement : 早期退職を呼びかける
Meticulous plans : 綿密な計画
Care for the elderly : 高齢者の介護
Go bankrupt : 破産
Risk huge mortgages : 巨額の住宅ローンの返済リスクを負う
Adapt to changing circumstances : 状況の変化に対応する
今回はIELTSライティングの頻出トッピク School に役立つ語彙が学べる文章と、解答例を紹介しましたが、皆様の学習のお役に立てば幸いです。
Cambly ネイティブのチューターに英会話の授業中に添削してもらう。ライティングの疑問点やネイティブから見て理解しずらい英文について、納得いくまで質問することが出来るのでおすすめ。
upwork フリーランスのESLチューターやジャーナリストにエッセイの添削を依頼することが出来ます。予算に合わせてFreelancer を選ぶことが出来ます。エッセイに限らず、英文翻訳、論文の添削等も出来ます。
