本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)を紹介します。トピックは環境破壊についてです。
Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. Do you agree or disagree ?
You should write at least 250 words.
Modern society is on the cusp of a global environmental catastrophe. Under such circumstances, governments must initiate actions to alleviate the situation as only they have the power to require companies to curb industrial waste and citizens to be eco-friendly.
Corporate activities must be harnessed by governments as individuals do not have the political power. Indeed, manufacturing factories consume immense amounts of electricity and discharge toxic chemicals into the air and ocean. By comparison, household waste is considered insignificant. Under such circumstances, governments must devise a policy to exhort corporations to operate in an eco-friendly manner. To illustrate this, imposing a tax based on carbon emissions could lead to a significant reduction of carbon footprint as the big industries change their business structure to minimize the tax payment.
Another reason is that without governmental policies, only altruistic citizens might devote their time and money while others would rather prioritize their current lifestyles over sustainability. This is unfair because selfish people contaminate the world for their convenience and benevolent ones make up for it. To give you an example, if reducing the amount of plastic bags is up to each consumer, some will never change their habit of using plastic bags while eco-friendly people endure the inconvenience. However, if a government imposes a green tax on plastic containers, it would discourage everyone from using them and the additional tax revenue could be utilized for environmental projects.
To summarize, while people power is useful for spreading awareness, government is the only body that can enforce significant changes in environmental policy. Besides that, governmental regulations are the fair way to bring everyone into action.
( 271 Words )
→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。Do you agree or disagree ? の設問のため、環境問題は政府主導で対応がなされるべきかどうかについて、自分の意見を主張していきます。
・Body Paragraph ①
→ main idea : Corporate activities must be harnessed by governments as individuals do not have the political powerと主張。その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
・Body Paragraph ②
→without governmental policies, only altruistic citizens might devote their time and money while others would rather prioritize their current lifestyles over sustainability.と主張。その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。
→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。
・Synonyms (類義語)
Curb : ―を 制限する。(Limit )
Harness: ―をコントロールする。(Control )
Devise :―を考案する。 (Plan )
・Key words
On the cusp of something : ―の瀬戸際にある。―の変わり目にある。(Cusp 自体の意味は境界線)
Discharge toxic chemicals : 有害物質を排出する。
Household waste : 家庭ごみ
Industrial waste : 産業廃棄物
Carbon emissions : 炭素の排出
Carbon footprint : 炭素の排出量
Altruistic : 利他的な
Sustainability : 持続可能性
Contaminate : ―を汚染する。
A green tax : 環境税
People power : 人々の努力の力
・Other useful expressions in IELTS Writing TASK2
Contrastingly, : 一方で、
From my perspective, / In my opinion, :私の考えでは、
Maintain : Firmly express one’s opinion と同義。意味は「強く主張する」
Aver :Say something is certainly trueと同義。意味は「―は正しいと強く主張する」
To begin with, : Firstly と同義
I espouse the former ( or the latter ) : 私は前者(後者)を支持する。Espouse はSupportのFormalな表現。
Having said that : However と同義。意味は「一方で」
On top of that : In addition と同義。意味は「さらに」
Under such circumstances, : こういった状況下では、
本記事ではIELTS ライティング タスク2 のサンプルエッセイ(解答例) を紹介しましたが、皆様の学習にお役に立ちましたら嬉しく思います。また、コメントを頂けましたら、解説を増やすこともできますので、お気軽にコメント下さい。
