IELTS ライティング タスク2 サンプルエッセイ (解答例) 例題 31 – Why do young adults like shopping ?

本記事ではIELTS のライティングTASK2のサンプルエッセイ(解答例)を紹介します。トピックは若者の買い物についてです。



Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

You should write at least 250 words.


Large shopping malls are popular among teenagers and twenty somethings who are desperate to catch up with new trends. From my perspective, this phenomenon benefits local economies by boosting sales.

The majority of young adults are sensitive to new trends. When new products are released, they want to purchase them as soon as possible. For them, possessing cutting-edge gadgets, wearing fashionable clothing, and putting on cosmetics endorsed by celebrities is considered cool, and consequently this boosts their self-esteem. Therefore, it has become popular among young people to visit shopping malls to seek out the latest trends. For example, on the launch date of the iPhone 12 in Japan, shopping malls were packed with crowds of young customers and long lines were formed in front of commercial buildings for an entire day.

The purchasing power of the younger generation is vital for a robust economy. They tend to consume more products than older generations. Additionally, they assist in the development of spawning industries by purchasing novel products that may not look attractive to seniors. Indeed, it is common that young adults encounter a unique product and spontaneously decide to purchase it out of curiosity. To illustrate this, digitally savvy   generations are more likely to buy smart speakers. Even though currently released models are far from perfect, sales revenue from them could fund the development of better models that could transform current industries and contribute to societies in many ways.

To summarize, young adults go shopping to catch up with or discover new trends. I believe this is a positive trend as local economies are supported by their purchasing power.

( 268 words )



→トピックのパラフレーズと自分の主張の提示。Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? の設問のため、若者が買い物好きな理由とその影響について、自分の意見を主張していきます。

Body Paragraph

→ main idea  : The majority of young adults are sensitive to new trends.と主張。

その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。

Body Paragraph

→ main idea  : The purchasing power of the younger generation is vital for a robust economy.と主張。

その後、Main ideaの内容について、後続の文章で説明を加えていきます。


→Body paragraphs のパラフレーズ。


Key words

Twenty somethings : 二十代の人々

Catch up with new trends : 流行についていく

Sensitive to A : A に敏感

Possess cutting-edge gadgets : 最新の小物(電子機器)を所有する

Cosmetics endorsed by celebrities : 芸能人に宣伝されている化粧品

Boost one’s self-esteem : 自尊心を引き上げる

Seek out the latest trends : 最新のトレンドを見つけ出す

An entire day : 一日中

Purchasing power : 購買力

A robust economy : 好景気 ( 力強い経済)

Spawning industries : これから成長していく業界

Novel products : 目新しい商品

Spontaneously : 思わず、自然と (計画的な行動の反対)

Out of curiosity : 好奇心から

Other useful expressions in IELTS Writing TASK2

Contrastingly, : 一方で、

From my perspective, / In my opinion, :私の考えでは、

Maintain  : Firmly express one’s opinion と同義。意味は「強く主張する」

Aver  : Say something is certainly trueと同義。意味は「―は正しいと強く主張する」

I espouse the former ( or the latter ) : 私は前者(後者)を支持する。Espouse はSupportのFormalな表現。

Having said that :  However と同義。意味は「一方で」

On top of that : In addition と同義。意味は「さらに」

Under such circumstances, :こういった状況下では、



本記事ではIELTS ライティング タスク2 のサンプルエッセイ(解答例) を紹介しましたが、皆様の学習にお役に立ちましたら嬉しく思います。また、コメントを頂けましたら、解説を増やすこともできますので、お気軽にコメント下さい。

Thank you


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